
As a parent, teacher, friend, sister, and daughter, I faced communication, academic, and emotional challenges throughout my 51 years.  

CORE Academy is the product and GIFT I have received from my life experiences!

Throughout my years of teaching, I would envision a place that helps children feel SEEN, HEARD and UNDERSTOOD no matter HOW they THINK, HEAR, PROCESS and SEE THE WORLD....  

How amazing would that be?

While I taught my students and listened to parents and school administrators (along with the demands of college testing protocol) I would always consider how children speak from their heart expressing constant frustrations with school and their parents often NOT understanding them...

I would think, "Why does there need to be so many RULES, TESTS, and STUDENTS BEING TOLD YOU MUST DO IT THIS WAY type of thinking?"

I would ask myself OFTEN... Why does it matter if we...

  • Use our fingers to count

  • Need to lay on the floor to do work

  • Need to listen to books

  • Draw pictures to help us remember

  • NEED pictures in books to understand- even if we are 16

  • Don't like small print in books

  • Use whiteboards and markers

  • Lay in bed with mom and take turns reading pages and talking about the story even if we are 14

  • Don't like to read..... but would love to SEE the information instead

  • Mess up a word while reading but then correct it

  • Change words while reading but the meaning doesn't change in the sentence

  • Dictate our amazing stories

  • Type our work because it is so much easier for us to show all we know

  • NEED time to think, find answers in our heads

  • Are given the math formulas, so we can plug in the numbers..Isn't that what is important?

  • Takes us 2 minutes or 7 minutes to multiply... ARE we ever timed once we leave school? Don't we just need to know HOW to multiply?

  • Are visual, hands-on, kinesthetic learners 

  • Are BIG Picture thinkers

  • Cry, get anxious and need to know the WHY of things to FEEL better

  • Are wired to be creative, athletic, mechanical, intuitive, a mover and groover, but then get all these labels... ADD, ADHD, DYSLEXIC, AUDITORY PROCESSING 

  • And SO MANY MORE...


As a result of these questions, CORE Academy was designed to focus on the authenticity, uniqueness, gifts, and strengths of every student.  We foster love, respect, and the joy of learning!

How do we do this?

  • hands-on, multisensory academic learning

  • life skills classes  (ex: changing a tire)

  • experiential days out into the world to SEE and FEEL the world live

  • Social-emotional classes

  • Community service projects

I am VERY excited to provide a program that WILL teach the WHOLE child.

Thank you for learning about what makes CORE Academy special.


Miss Lainie,  Head of School


Lainie Barbieri - MA Education

Certified Educational Therapist

Founder/Instructor  K - 12th