"My favorite thing CORE has is the whiteboards. They help me so much. Also, generally at normal schools or should I say traditional schools, they have hard chairs, but at CORE Academy, they have bouncy chairs and they make it easier to focus and they are a lot more fun than hard chairs. This school has awesome stuff, like everything is awesome, and they actually know how to teach me so I can learn."
-Mason 6th grader
"Coming from a public school system, I had many problems in the traditional classroom. I was disorganized and my ADHD kept me from focusing on school. I thought it was my fault. I thought I was stupid! Mornings became battles between me and my parents, as I refused to get out of bed and screamed "I hate school!" But then I met Miss Lainie. She told me I was much smarter than I thought I was and encouraged me to try harder in school. When I heard Miss Lainie was offering her take on what a school should be, I jumped at the chance. Instead of forcing me to sit and listen the whole day, she accommodates my learning style! She gave me a bouncy chair and fiddle toys. I love the learning environment that this small school provides. The kids are like family and our academics are structured around us!!!!!"
- Jacob 8th grader
CORE Academy has been a lifesaver for my son who always struggled with EVERYTHING in the traditional system. I knew it was time for a change when he came home telling me he was dumb and our evenings were taken over by homework and tears. CORE Academy has made school safe and fun for Westley and he is now starting to gain confidence and enjoy learning again.
-Nicole Larsen, parent of 1st year 5th grader
Going to CORE Academy was one of the best choices I had ever made. I had trouble at my old public school because the way they taught made it almost impossible to learn, but here all styles and shapes of learning are catered to which makes it so much easier to get the education I need. Mrs. Lainie is a lifesaver!
- Max M, 7th Grade
"To put into words how CORE has changed my son's life, as well as my husband's and mine, is difficult. It took our family all several months to adjust to getting of the "public school ride". Now that we are, I'm not sure how we ever lasted through the fourth grade. Our son now actually LIKES going to school, feels vastly more successful, %100 supported, and understood by his teachers. Lainie and her teachers meet him where he is at in each subject and truly are RELENTLESS in their pursuit of how he learns best. I could never thank them enough for all they do to make our lives a million times better."-Mary, parent of 5th grader
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Staring a new school can be hard. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information to learn more about helping your child’s future!